Sunday, January 21, 2007

Has it really been that long since the last post?

Ok... it's about time for an update.

I was home on MLK day last monday, so Radley and I had fun out in the new snow.
He looked a little bored riding in the sled - not much different than a stroller, I guess. He only wanted to walk on the shoveled path, but finally I got him to at least bat at the snow a little.

His new favorite thing to do is look for airplanes outside. We have recently had an explosion of signing around here. Airplane is a favorite. It probably helps that we live along a flight path. He also does tree, hat, dog, eat, more, car, ball, milk, shoes, and apple pretty regularly. They don't all look exactly like the real sign, but we understand what he means. We had a good time looking through one of my new magazines last night - we found a lot of ads with good photos of things he could sign - mostly car ads, but some dogs and even an apple.

There is also big teeth news for the Rad man - he has molars coming in on both sides, both on the top and bottom. I don't know if this is early for that or not, but looking at those icebergs coming into his mouth... it just looks painful. He has stayed pretty happy through it all though.

I have been working on a few things here and there.
I promised a new pair of jim-jam pants (aka pajama pants) to Davin for Christmas to replace the well loved pair that is getting a little threadbare after 5 or so years. It made me laugh that in my Marimekko stash I actually found enough of the same stripy print (different colors) as the last pair. I will save myself some time when I make the next replacement pair by cutting out the right size to begin with. argh.

I just joined Project Spectrum.
The colors for February/March are Blue-Gray-White.
I have been working on a crochet project in a nice gray - but I came to a point where the pattern didn't seem to make sense... I just did a quick check online to see if anyone else had posted corrections to the pattern somewhere. It turns out that two numbers were transposed in the instructions. Instead of doing the decrease every 5th row for 7 times, I am supposed to do the decrease every 7th row 5 times. That makes so much more sense, but it also means that I will be starting over. argh.

Before I figured out the pattern problem, I took a break to think and tried out a few different stitch patterns on cotton washcloths - it's close enough to white to count right? One is a "grit" stitch (right) the other is a "sedge" stitch (left).

I also made a little sewing project the other day that I think kind of fits into the blue-ish family - the background is blue-ish. Ok maybe I'm stretching - but I don't think there are any Project Spectrum police. It's a gift though, so I am not going to reveal it just yet. Here is a little snippet of the fabric I used. You can decide for yourself if it is blue enough.

A final photo: "Hey, that kid looks just like me!"

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